We are proud to announce that Angela Calvin Self, University of Iowa 1998 urban planning graduate, has been selected by her peers to be inducted into the AICP College of Fellows. The American Institute of Certified Planners bestows FAICP status as the highest honor to those with outstanding contributions as a professional planner.

Angela is Planning Administrator for the City of Garland, TX, and has previously held several positions with the City of Garland and City of Dallas. She has received numerous awards throughout her career from the American Planning Association Texas Chapter, Neighborhoods USA, Greater Dallas Planning Council, Preservation Dallas, and Content Marketing Institute.
Angela is currently Chair of the APA Housing and Community Development Division and served as vice-chair from 2020-2023. She is additionally a Commissioner on the Active Transportation Commission, District 5, in the City of Fort Worth, TX. Her service includes sharing her knowledge and advice with the current generation of UI planning students as a recent mock interviewer and through a panel discussion on job and internship interviews.
Angela was mentored through the FAICP process by fellow UI urban planning alum Richard Gertson, FAICP. She is our sixth alum to be recognized with the FAICP designation.