Adam's interest in urban planning began during his time in the Peace Corps, working in the mayor's office of a small town in Romania. His curiosity about the inner workings of municipal government—both abroad and in the U.S.—led him to pursue further education in urban planning and business administration at the University of Iowa. Adam credits the breadth of coursework at University of Iowa, coupled with unique internships and teaching assistant opportunities, as foundational in navigating his current role as the City Administrator for Windsor Heights, IA. He’s found that when the coursework is woven together, it’s opened doors for implementing effective solutions that could be difficult to identify in what can be a heavily regulated line of work.
While an urban planning student, Adam’s primary interest was in economic development, which guided his initial career path as Director of the Fairfield Economic Development Association and thereafter in developing a small residential subdivision in Fairfield, IA. Adam also spent six years as the Economic Development Manager for the City of Johnston, IA, where he managed property acquisitions and helped plan the development of new city facilities and the Johnston Town Center. Over time, his interests expanded to encompass broader city management, fostered by a deep appreciation of the interplay between capital investments of developers and municipalities in shaping a city’s urban form, which led to his current position.
According to Adam, the education he received from the School of Planning and Public Affairs has been valuable throughout his career. He says, “Lessons from Professor Jerry Anthony’s land use law class have frequently resurfaced, at least long enough to ask appropriate critical questions during a development project or code enforcement quandary. Similarly, constructive critiques from former professor Lucie Laurian regarding clarity in communication have remained a persistent voice in the back of my mind when reviewing staff reports.”
Adam resides in Johnston, IA, with his wife, Katie, their four-year-old son, Arlo, and twin one-year-olds, Otis and Gus. He also notes, graduate school is excellent preparation for the sustained lack of sleep afforded parents of three young boys.