Thursday, November 21, 2024
Headshot of Carrie Schuettpelz

Teaching and research focus
Public policy, poverty policy, and Native American policy

What’s your academic and professional background?
I have my Masters in Public Policy from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. I was a Fulbright Scholar in Denmark. I worked in the Obama Administration for seven years as a policy advisor on homelessness and Native policy.

What current research projects or initiatives are you working on? How do you hope they contribute to the field and address real-world challenges?
I'm currently running the Native Policy Lab, where we're focusing on projects related to Indian Boarding School records repatriation, as well as a Native land project. My book, The Indian Card, was published in October by Flatiron, and focusing on Native enrollment and identity.

What personal experience inspired you to study public affairs?
I was interested in solving meaningful problems for the people who needed it the most.

What excites you most about your work?
I love data, and right now I'm excited about bringing more data-driven policy making to Native policy.

What advice do you give students who are just starting their journey in planning or public affairs? 
Have patience and try to take classes that interest you, regardless of whether they seem like they'll help you get a job.

If your wish could be granted, what one thing related to your area of study would you like to see change in the world?
More focus on data-driven decision making

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Crocheting, watching sports, playing with my kids

What’s your favorite music genre or era of music?
Folk rock

What’s the best book you’ve read lately?
Invisible Child: Poverty, Survival & Hope in an America City

What is your favorite place to eat or spend time in the Iowa City area that you would recommend to students and visitors?
Wig and Pen