Name: Joshua Engelbrecht
Originally from: Iowa City
Degree: Urban and Regional Planning, M.S., concentration in Land Use and Environmental Planning
Graduating class: 2022
After completing his degrees at the University of Iowa in May, Joshua moved to the Pacific Northwest and started his new career working as an assistant planner for the Town of Coupeville, WA.
- As a student, one of his favorite courses was Land Use Law with Professor Jerry Anthony. Joshua said, "I'd never taken a class related to law and court cases before and it was interesting and fun to listen to Jerry talk about them and see how they built on each other."
- Joshua worked for the City of Iowa City as an intern in the Planning Department. He said, "I did a combination of long-term projects like digitizing and updating the annexation map of Iowa City, and application related stuff like sending out the neighbor notification letters, drafting the reports that staff presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission, and putting out the signs for each application."
- His favorite part of the program was the drafting room because the space is so unique and makes the school more inviting.
- Joshua's advice to students is, "Take time for yourself. Set limits. Always get eight hours of sleep. The faculty want to see you succeed and that means they will understand if you need to take some time for yourself."