Bob Gassman

Adjunct Lecturer

Bob is a lifelong Iowa resident who moved to Iowa City in 2009 to join Neumann Monson Architects. Trained as an architect, Bob maintains a broad knowledge of art and design, and practices as a multi-disciplinary designer. While at Neumann Monson, Bob has contributed to a variety of local projects, such as: The University of Iowa West Campus Transportation Facility, The University of Iowa School of Music, Park@201 mixed-use building and the Packing House in downtown Iowa City, Dubuque Intermodal Campus, and the Ames Intermodal Transportation Facility. In 2008, Bob and his partner Shannon founded zzGassman Design Workshop. Together they have completed graphic and web design projects for: The Berklee College of Music, Draft Journal, Defunct Magazine, Iowa Architect Magazine, and Tombo Studio. Bob has been teaching an array of design courses since 2006. With interests that range from film to music, art to architecture, and planning to product design, his courses reveal that design has a profound impact on the lives of every living thing. From the buttons on our shirts, to the foods that we eat, to the road signs we pass by daily, design is everywhere and may be the single greatest factor that influences the quality of our lives and our world.

Areas of Interest:

Graphic Communication

Bob Gassman
MArch, Iowa State University 2009