Nathan Mueller
I am the Assistant Director of Planning, Development, and Sustainability for Johnson County, Iowa. Our department oversees review of land development applications (subdivisions, rezoning, etc.); building permits and inspections; and sustainability for the county both internal- and external- facing.
After graduating from the URP program in 2013, I served as Planning & Zoning Director for Clinton County, Iowa for three years before returning to Johnson County. My personal mission in my career is to work to dispel the notion that government bureaucrats are lazy and unhelpful. Land development is a complicated process that even experienced developers still struggle through. My goal in the course I co-teach with Josh Busard is to provide students with a foundation in the application and administration side of planning projects in the hope that they will be ready to provide high-level service and be successful if they choose to pursue local government planning.
Areas of Interest:
Local government zoning administration and land development review