Wednesday, April 4, 2012

This summer Urban and Regional Planning is offering a grant-writing course that will be offered on the web as a virtual classroom experience. Offering it online as a Distance Education Course allows students from other universities, alums, and members of the public to participate despite their distance from Iowa City. There are no prerequisites for taking the course. The class will run from May 21st through July 23rd and will be taught by Ron Mirr from 6:30- 8:30 p.m. primarily on Mondays.

This is an introductory class for anyone interested in obtaining grant funds from public or private sources at the federal, state, and local levels. Course information will provide participants with:

1. A description of the general grant process, with a special focus on how grants are reviewed.

2. Information about the location of funding sources and the use of electronic media to find them.

3. Instruction on how to review a funding opportunity to determine if it is appropriate for their agency.

4. Training on the use of a planning tool for the creation of effective grant proposals.

5. Information on the budgeting process and how to maximize grant funding for your project.

6. Instruction on how to create an appropriate evaluation plan for your project.

7. Training on the most effective methods for producing your grant proposal.

The course is designed to introduce participants to the practical skills they will need to begin the development of grant proposals. Participants will leave the course with a clearer understanding of how to begin the grant writing process, where to look for resources, and how begin preparing a competitive grant proposal. Please see the course description for more details about the course content and dates and times.

Current UI students may register through ISIS with early registration beginning on April 16th. The course number is 102:282:0EXW (URP:6282:0EXW) and will be for 2 s.h. credits.

If you are not a current UI student, you will be considered an extension student. Please see the link above and follow the directions for those who are unable to register directly on the university’s registration site, ISIS. You may also register beginning on April 16th. Tuition for extension students will be based on the Graduate College rate of 2 semester hours which is $1127.

The deadline to register is May 21st. No textbook is required but you will need to have a computer, internet access, and a USB headset with a microphone. All students will be graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

For questions about the course, please contact the instructor, Ron Mirr. For questions about registration, please contact the Division of Continuing Education at (319) 335-2575 or 1-800-272-6430, or emailing