Today’s transportation problems transcend disciplinary boundaries. The new Online Certificate in Transportation Planning at the UI School of Planning and Public Affairs prepares professionals to face this challenge.
Admission for the certificate is rolling and open to those who have completed a bachelor's degree in urban studies, planning, engineering and other fields who want to increase their employment opportunities in transportation planning. The online component allows professionals and current graduate students from any location, including international, to complete the credential from an accredited planning program and expand their professional options.
Tuition for online non-UI students results in a savings by paying the Graduate College resident tuition rate, plus a technology fee, rather than the out-of-state rate. The certificate requires completing 12 semester hours and can be achieved in less than one calendar year.
Fields of employment for students with the Transportation Certificate include:
• transportation planning
• transit or freight management
• bike/pedestrian policy advocacy
• public health through active mobility
• sustainability
• climate mitigation
Further details are available on the School’s website.