Friday, October 26, 2012

Jordan DeGree, executive director of the Dubuque community and cultural development organization Matter, will give a talk on Monday, November 5th at 7:00 p.m. in UCC 2520D (2nd floor Old Capitol Town Center) entitled: “Developing Powerful Places: The role of creativity in urban design and community revitalization”

Now more than ever, progressive cities around the country are competing to attract and retain the best and brightest workforce. This discussion will focus on why small and midsize rural communities in Iowa should invest in building, measuring, and sustaining creative capacity in order to attract talent and accelerate social/economic growth, as well as unique challenges and opportunities that Iowa communities face. The presentation will be followed by an action oriented discussion session to help further this work on a local, state, and national level.

About the Speaker:

Jordan DeGree, an Iowa native, is executive director of Matter, a non-profit community and cultural development organization that cultivates creativity in order to accelerate social and economic growth. Matter is working to help communities realize new growth potentials by building social and cultural vibrancy, fostering powerful sense of place, and promoting robust idea exchange. Jordan has a background in secondary education and holds a master's in educational leadership. In addition to his professional responsibilities, Jordan also serves on the Iowa Commission for Volunteer Service, the Dubuque Convention and Visitors Bureau Advisory Board, the Dubuque Carnegie-Stout Public Library Art Subcommittee, and the Dubuque Noon Optimist Club Board of Directors.