Headshot of Carrie Schuettpelz

Schuettpelz Secures Second Book Deal

Friday, February 14, 2025
Headshot of Samanth Zuhlke

Zuhlke Paper Published on Advantage of Nonprofit Engagement in Local Policy Agendas Regarding Climate Change

Tuesday, April 9, 2024
We’re happy to share that professor Sam Zuhlke’s article, “Strike While the Iron is Hot: Land Trusts, Temperature Anomalies, and Agenda Setting for Local Open Space Referenda” has been published in the journal Nonprofit Policy Forum.
Fall campus scene of Old Capitol dome with US and Iowa flags

Faculty Publish Numerous Articles

Tuesday, March 19, 2024
We are happy to share that faculty in the School of Planning and Public Affairs have been very productive this past year in their research and have authored numerous publications in scholarly journals.
Carrie Schuettpelz with colorful mural in the background

Carrie Schuettpelz – Winner of the 2023 Whiting Creative Nonfiction Grant

Friday, December 8, 2023
Carrie Lowry Schuettpelz (Associate Professor, UI School of Planning & Public Affairs) has been honored with the 2023 Whiting Foundation Creative Nonfiction Grant for her forthcoming book The Indian Card. The Whiting Creative Nonfiction Grant is awarded to writers in the process of finishing insightful and well-researched works of nonfiction.
Headshot of Samanth Zuhlke

Zuhlke Receives ARNOVA Award for Dissertation

Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Professor Samantha Zuhlke has received the Gabriel G. Rudney Memorial Award for an Outstanding Dissertation in Nonprofit and Voluntary Action Research for her dissertation, “A Political Theory of Nonprofits: Partisanship Policy and the Rise of the Nonprofit Sector.”
Jerry Anthony giving a talk to PhD students in Surat, India

Jerry Anthony Researches Urban Development Sustainability Policies In India as a Fulbright Scholar

Monday, November 13, 2023
Professor Jerry Anthony was awarded a Fulbright Scholar award to research sustainable urbanism in India during the 2022-2023 academic year. Second-year public affairs student, Stephanie Gutierrez, recently interviewed him about his experience.
Headshot of Samanth Zuhlke

Zuhlke Invited to Speak on the Role of Land Trusts in Local Policy Development

Thursday, May 11, 2023
Samantha Zuhlke will participate in the Civil Society and Sustainability Conference to be hosted by the Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society at Stanford University in late May, based on her designation as a “cutting-edge scholar.”
Scott Spak

Spak Selected for EPA Advisory Panel

Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Associate Professor Scott Spak was recently appointed to the Environmental Protection Agency's Science Advisory Board (SAB).
Plastic water bottle filled with dollar bills

Zuhlke Publishes Book on Trust in Government and Drinking Water

Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Samantha Zuhlke's new book, The Profits of Distrust: Citizen-Consumers, Drinking Water, and the Crisis of Confidence in American Government, has recently been published and is now available from Cambridge University Press.
Headshot of Associate Professor Phuong Nguyen

Nguyen Receives Award for Best Paper

Monday, July 11, 2022
Associate Professor Phuong Nguyen recently received Best Paper Award from the Midwest Public Affairs Conference. The paper, “Impact of home rule on municipal boundary and fiscal expansion: Evidence from Texas,” is forthcoming in the Journal of Regional Science.
Headshot of Samanth Zuhlke

Zuhlke Article on Nonprofit Outcomes Published

Monday, December 13, 2021
Assistant Professor Sam Zuhlke’s research article, “Acres for the Affluent: An Interactive Model of Nonprofit Resources and Demand Heterogeneity” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.
Photo of Iulian Vamanu, School of Library and Information Science and Lucie Laurian, School of Planning and Public Affairs

SPPA Faculty Receive UI Jumpstart Tomorrow Grant for Research on Public Libraries and Community Resilience

Wednesday, August 4, 2021
Three School of Planning and Public Affairs faculty will work with colleagues in the School of Library and Information Science, the Department of Sociology and the Tippie College of Business on a $150,000 interdisciplinary grant to evaluate how public libraries mitigate community vulnerabilities and build resilience to climate, social, and economic risks.